Thursday, September 16, 2010


Why can't I get a good cuppa in these foreign parts, Juke mused, slowly stirring the steaming mug in front of him.  Abruptly, his headnet buzzed, cutting his ponderings short.  "Hello?" Juke responded.
"We have a four-oh-three in progress," came the crackling reply.   
Have to get these magnets replaced, he thought. "Rightio, transmit the details."
Placing a fiver on the counter, Juke eased off the stoop, and turned to leave, grabbing his cup of caffeinated swill as an afterthought.  I paid for it, might as well.  The aftercinct didn't have better.  More cracklings emanated from the headnet.  Damn magnets.

What a bore, lamented Boar to himself, switching off the transmission.  Swill.

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