Wednesday, September 15, 2010


"Go on, buy it," crooned Mara.
"I don't have enough hands," replied Kali, "nor enough time."
Mara sniggered.
"Oh, ha, ha," said Kali sarcastically, noting the price surreptitiously anyway.


"..." said Mr Ellipsis.
"?" Signorita Pregunta raised an eyebrow.
"..." repeated Mr Ellipsis.
"Oh," signed the fifteenth elephant, who was deaf, waving his white stick seemingly randomly.
Mr Ellipsis sighed and wandered off, dejected.


"I took to it like a duck to water," enthused the swan.
"I know, I know," replied the duck, doing a swan dive into the murky green.
The swan had been rabitting on about it for hours; though she wasn't there, having stepped out for a carrot.


"...and in the end it was all a dream," concluded the squirrel, coughing up the last of the phlegm and tucking it behind his right ear (which was the wrong one, as we will discover later).
"I see," said the mole.
"No, you don't,"  said the squirrel.
The mole replied, melancholy, "You're right."  'When was the squirrel ever wrong?' he thought.
And so it was.


"I will kiss you," voiced the mute ant, adjusting her freudian slip.  "Miss you, I mean," she corrected, eyeing his torch thoughtfully.  "Ah," squeaked the boa, his throat tightening.  He never knew she felt that way.

The rest of this exchange was lost to white-out, accidentally spilt by Timmy.

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